Frequently asked Questions Answered.

Get in touch

1- What are the opening and closing hours of the Belle Paradise Salon?
8:00 am to 8:30 pm.

2- How many days does the salon function in a week?
Six(6)Days i.e. Monday to Saturday

3- How to book an appointment?
Reach out to our Management via call or Whatsapp. (671116992)

4- Do you provide home service? If yes, what is the geographical diameter you provide home services?
Yes, we provide home service but only within Yaounde.

5- How far in advance should I make the appointment for salon services?
 Clients should book their appointment at least 2 days in advance.

6- How can I know about ongoing discounts and offers at Belle Paradise Salon?
You can get to know about ongoing discounts through our social media handles or you can reach out to our management via call.

7- Do the staff of Belle Paradise Salon follow COVID-Guidelines?
Yes, we do follow Covid-Guidelines. Our team takes complete precautions like wearing masks, sanitizing, social distancing, and gloves. We also inquire about the history of Covid symptoms before providing any service to our clients.

8- What is the pricing of each service?
 Please head toward our service page to inquire about pricing.

9- How much does the training cost?
Please head towards our training page to inquire about training costs.

10- How can I enroll myself for training?
 Reach out to our Management via call or WhatsApp. (+237 671116992)

Or you can visit our salon to complete further formalities.

11- Do you provide beauty services for men?
Yes, Belle Paradise is a unisex beauty salon & spa.

12- How long does it take for the training to complete?
It can take about 1 to 6 months.